Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Bell Invites

This is primarily an explanatory first post letting you know what this blog is all about. In essence, this is the first part of what I hope to be a three-part story. Who knows, perhaps it will one day be published. That's not my goal, however.

I may put up the second and third parts when I get done number one, especially if people are enjoying the first part. I haven't decided quite what I'm going to do with this yet.

I warn you now, this isn't a standard linear story with a dashing hero and a distressed damsel. There is a definite beginning, middle, and end, like all good stories, they just may not come out quite like you might be expecting.

With all that said, please enjoy! I love comments, questions, and criticism, although I won't give spoilers and I don't take kindly to trolling. Without further adieux:

The Bell Invites

by Alasdair MacFhionghuin

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